Arsenal Help Centre
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Membership Renewals
My payment has failed for my membership renewal, how do I renew for Season 2024/25?
How do I become a member?
How do I check if my membership has renewed for season 2024/25
Memberships Overview
Digital Membership
Welcome To Our World Membership Ages 0-3
Team JGS Membership Ages 4-11
Young Guns Membership Ages 12-16
Cannon Membership Ages 17-18
Memberships with Disability Access (previously Purple Membership)
Red Membership
Silver Membership
Arsenal Women's Season Ticket
Gold Membership
Platinum Membership
Membership FAQs
Where can I find my membership number?
Can I buy more than 1 ticket with my membership?
How do I update my Direct Debit details?
I have a question about my Membership - who should I contact?
I have a Bond/Debenture, what are my options?
Can I privately transfer a debenture to someone I know?
How do I list my debenture? How do I purchase or bid for a debenture?
I need to arrange a replacement Bond/Debenture certificate
Bond/Debenture FAQ's
Gold Season Ticket
I am a Adult Season Ticket Holder, What is included in my season ticket.
Does My Season Ticket Include The Champions League Games?
I am a Young Adult Season Ticket Holder, What is included in my Season Ticket
I am a Junior Gunner/Cannon Member, What is included in my season ticket
I am an existing Family Enclosure Season ticket holder , what is in included
Will My Season Ticket Give Me Access to Semi & Cup Finals?
Can I purchase additional ticket(s) with my season ticket ?
If I can't attend a game, what are my options?
Using Your Seat
I have a concession season ticket & need to transfer my ticket for a fixture to a friend/family member
My Account
How do I create a ticketing account?
How do I reset my password?
Creating and Managing your Network
How do I update my details?
How to activate online account
I have changed my password but i can't log in
Online Box Office
I am receiving a 403 error message on the Online Box Office, why is this?
I am having problems accessing parts of the site when purchasing tickets
Error messages buying tickets on the Online Box Office
I can't find a ticket on the Ticket Exchange
I am receiving the message 'Your Session Has Been Suspended'
Season Ticket Waiting List
How do I join the Season Ticket Waiting List?
Season Ticket Waiting List FAQs
Disability Access Season Ticket Waiting List
I’m on the Season Ticket waiting list. How can I find out my position?