If you're experiencing issues logging in to accept a ticket transfer from a season ticket holder, please try the following steps to help you gain access to your account:

To get started, Firstly it is very important that you have a single sign on account.

Please create a Single Sign-On (SSO) account here using your email address .

If you receive the below then this confirm you do have a single sign on account and you will need to reset the password, If you don't receive the below then please continue to set up your account.

You will receive an email to verify your account. Once you have done this you can now log into the online box office and manage your membership.

Once your SSO account is set up, you’ll be able to easily link your membership account and you will be asked to complete a form with your personal details.

Please see below instructions on how to create the account

1) Head to Arsenal.com 


2) Click the Head and Shoulders in the top right:

A screenshot of a website

Description automatically generated


3) Select "Create Account" 


4) Select "Email Address" 


5) You then need to put in the date of birth that is relevant to the account you are trying to correct 


6) From here you will, enter your correct name and the email that is currently on the account. And a new password. 


7) You should now receive an email with further instructions.

Now proceed to login to the online box office here 

You will then be asked to connect your membership number to your single sign on account and please ensure you choose the membership number that has been used for the ticket transfer.

Now login with your email address and password and should then see a notification for you to accept the ticket(s).

How do I accept a Ticket Transfer from a Season Ticket holder