Arsenal Help Centre
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Arsenal v Newcastle United
Gold Season Ticket
How do I purchase my seat for the Newcastle United Carabao Cup game?
What are the ticket prices
Can I still use ticket exchange/ticket transfer?
Arsenal v Newcastle United - Ballot information
When does the ballot open/close?
How do I apply for the ballot using a PC/laptop?
How do I apply for the ballot using the Arsenal app?
What is the price range?
Will members be given a choice of what area/price range when they apply in the ballot?
I need to amend my ballot application
I have entered the wrong ballot, what can I do?
When will I know if I am successful/unsuccessful?
I am receiving an error when registering for the ballot
With the removal of the Family Enclosure, is there still an area which is family orientated?
Do I have to pay to register for the ballot?
Do I have to pay to register for the ballot?
The ballot won't accept my payment card
Tips, hints and advice
Disability Access
I am a Red DA member, how do I register for the ballot?
What are the ticket prices?
When will I know if I am successful/unsuccessful?
I have specific seating requirements, how do I request this?
If I am successful in the ballot but then cannot attend, will I receive a refund?
Can I enter the ballot with a non-DA member?
Disability Access (DA) Ballot Purchasing Process (PDF Guide)
If I am unsuccessful in the ballot will my application be held for the Ticket Exchange?
Ballot FAQ's
What ballot can I enter?
I applied for the ballot and I didn't receive a confirmation email
If I am successful in the ballot, will I receive a concession price?
Can a Silver Member enter the Red ballot?
What priority do Silver members have over Red members?
Can members register to be balloted with a group?
How many tickets will members be able to apply for in the ballot?
What happens if my payment fails?
If the event price class limit for my concession price class is reached will I still get the relevant concession price in the ballot or via Ticket Exchange?