We would like to remind all Gold members that this game is not included in your season ticket. If you wish to attend this match, you must purchase a ticket for this game. There will be a priority window for you to purchase your usual seat, as detailed below.

Gold member priority booking period

ST Holder Priority Window Opens ST Holder Priority Window Closes 
18/03/2025 at 12pm 20/03/2025 at 12pm 

How do I pay for a reserved seat?

Please log into your Online Box Office account here.

Once logged in, please click on the head and shoulder icon in the top right hand corner of the page.

Under 'Notification' you will see your ticket under 'Reserved Tickets'

On the next page you will then be able to assign the correct price that is applicable to your membership type.

If you hold a concession season ticket, your seat has already been reserved to the correct concession. You will be able to amend this online when booking should you wish to upgrade to an adult ticket. Please note if you upgrade but wish to change back before making a purchase, you will need to log out and log back in to default your seat back to the original concession.

Once you have made your purchase, you will then receive a confirmation email. If you are unable to locate the email then the purchase will show in your booking history.

Any purchased tickets will automatically show on the digital pass approximately one week before the relevant fixture.


If you are the owner of multiple season tickets and you only see one ticket reserved, then we recommend you check your network settings to ensure all your season tickets are linked and then we ask that you amend the permission levels to 'I can manage tickets for'. Further instructions can be found here.